Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Man is the most extraordinary computer of all." - John F. Kennedy

Do not sell yourself short and rely on other means to think for you. When used regularly, your mind will generate ideas and solutions beyond what you previously thought was possible.

If you are in network marketing, you have an upline upon whom you can rely when you need help.  But he/she is not there to work FOR you or keep providing you with more and more ideas to help you grow your business.  If you have a good sponsor, you were provided with a good, solid foundation, a place to begin to grow your business. 

However, as a business owner, once you know all the basics of the products or services you provide, use your own imagination, be creative about how you want to promote them.  Have you thought of a new and unique way to advertise, or are you depending upon your upline for examples or leads.  Think instead how you can generate more leads, how you can gain more interest in your company.  Be creative, and don't be afraid to try something new.  If it doesn't work for you, you have not failed; you have learned.  Don't become stale; always keep growing and thinking of new and different ways to work your business.

As network marketers, we are part of a team, and it is important to work with both your upline and downline, but don't forget about yourself, your own business along the way. 

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