Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's been a while...

I've been so busy learning and working my new network marketing business, I haven't had time to post here.

Today, however, I saw a posting on Facebook that reminded me that I've never really shared my own career story.  Thanks Therressa for the reminder.  My story isn't glamorous, but it is mine.

As a young adult, I was a stay at home mom until my children started school.  Then I went to work with Los Angeles County government in the Probation Department.  I was the office manager, and sole clerical person in that particular office.  I loved it!  Me & 9 Probation Officers. Fascinating, challenging work.

Fast forward several years, and my kids were grown.  My husband and I decided we'd had enough of the traffic, crime, smog, etc. in Los Angeles.  So, we moved to Arizona.  We did lots of research prior to the move, learning that our destination city had similar jobs to what we'd had in L.A. and jobs were available.

Well, by the time we made the actual move (complications arose preventing us from moving for several months), the type of job I wanted was no longer available.  I worked one minimum wage clerical job after another.  I'd never worked for minimum wage before.  I didn't like it!  Eventually, I was hired by the Federal Probation Dept.  After 6 months, the position was transferred to an office 90 miles away.  I did not go with the job.

Then I acquired my favorite job ever.  I was hired by the local police department, but I was loaned out to the State Gang Task Force, who was housed in the Federal DEA building.  So, I did work for all three agencies at once.  Again, I was the office administrator, with no other clerical positions.  Can you see the pattern here?  I loved being basically my own boss, creating office an office set up and procedures that worked really well.  The job lasted 4 years. Then, that job was transferred to Tucson - 90 miles away.

At that point, I'd had enough!  I started a home typing/resume service.  It never grew enough to make a living at it, but with my husband working full time, it was a nice supplemental income.  After a few years, I realized I wasn't satisfied with just a supplemental income. 

I began searching for a home business where I could actually make a living.  I found a network marketing company, which I loved - for a few years.  I worked and grew my home business.  Some people reading this will know which company I worked with, but I won't name them here.  After six years working with them, the company terminated hundreds of us at one time, leaving me without the lifetime residual income I'd been promised.  

For a couple days, I was terribly depressed.  What I took from that company was some wonderful friendships that I still have today.

Then I started my search for a new company.  I was fortunate that one of my former team mates from the company who terminated me discovered my current company.  I did my due diligence, and then I joined. 

I've only been with the new company for a couple weeks - nearly 3.  So far, I am really impressed with their training staff, the product that I sell and the compensation plan.  I'm off to a pretty good start with them, and I believe I can and will be very successful.

So, here I am today, with a bright future and a positive attitude.  I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect?

It's not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it's what you put into the practice.”    Eric Lindros

So, for the past few days, I've been studying and learning about my new home businessMy head is overflowing with everything I have absorbed... Or have I?
  • I feel as though I've learned SO much, but when I sit quietly and think about all I've read and all the training videos I have watched, I am certain that I'll have to re-read many things and watch those videos repeatedly before it really sinks in.
I am eager to be finished with my training, but will I ever know everything about the business? 
  • Of course not!  On every job I have ever worked and every home business I have operated, I was always learning.  In order to grow my business, and for me personally to continue growing, I will need to constantly and continuously listen to training calls, read books and watch videos.
Practice will never make any of us perfect.  No one can attain that level of achievement.  We can, however, always strive for excellence. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Start All Over Again...

When I saw this quote, I really heard the message. 

Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.

Alan Cohen
This week I am beginning.  I'm starting out fresh, ready to learn and grow my brand new home business.  It has been a long time since I've been really excited to get to work, but it sure feels good!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Am Back!

I've had so much going on the past couple weeks, I simply have not had time to post in my blog. 

I have just signed with a brand new network marketing company.  It is a new business for me, and the company itself is also pretty new. I am excited to actually start working. 

Right now, I'm just learning everything about our product, the websites, etc.  Since the company is so new, little by little, they are making changes as the need arises.  It seems each change, however, is made to help reps like me.

For years I've been telling everyone I've recruited, "You will feel overwhelmed the first few days."  In spite of my warnings, I had forgotten what it felt like!

I also have to update all my social networks, create a new Facebook page, etc.  So much to do and learn!  Fortunately, I have no deadline by which I have to have everything done.

I'd love to hear your experiences when you started a new home business.