I've had so much going on the past couple weeks, I simply have not had time to post in my blog.
I have just signed with a brand new network marketing company. It is a new business for me, and the company itself is also pretty new. I am excited to actually start working.
Right now, I'm just learning everything about our product, the websites, etc. Since the company is so new, little by little, they are making changes as the need arises. It seems each change, however, is made to help reps like me.
For years I've been telling everyone I've recruited, "You will feel overwhelmed the first few days." In spite of my warnings, I had forgotten what it felt like!
I also have to update all my social networks, create a new Facebook page, etc. So much to do and learn! Fortunately, I have no deadline by which I have to have everything done.
I'd love to hear your experiences when you started a new home business.
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