Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Challenge "The Truth"

If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true were really true,there would be little hope of advance.  Orville Wright

So many people throughout history have challenged what everyone around them thought was true.  Of course, the Wright Brothers challenged the centuries old theory that man cannot fly.  Today, we have planes carrying us all over the world and space craft flying to other planets.

Early man believed that the earth was flat.  Then, as evidence to the contrary arose, that "fact" was proven to be false.

Blood-letting was once considered to be a cure for most illnesses. Now a days blood-letting is considered totally ineffective.

Now, bringing those "truths" into our personal and professional lives.  Some still believe that to operate any business, home businesses in particular, you must have experience is sales, management or various other skills. 

Most now know it to be true that nearly anyone can run a home business.  Sure, if you are illiterate (in which case you wouldn't be reading this post), it would be more than a challenge.  The only skills that I believe are required are the ability to work independently, without a boss standing over your shoulder; you must be fairly well organized; and you must be self-disciplined.

However, what skills I believe are required and which I believe are unnecessary does not effect what you believe to be true.  If you state as a "fact" that you know you will not succeed with a home-based business, nothing I say will change your belief.  You will never challenge yourself, try, try and try again until you do succeed.  How sad.

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