Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Success is Connected to Action

“Success . . . Seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit.” -- Conrad Hilton, Founder of Hilton Hotels

As this applies to network marketing, I am constantly amazed by those who start their own home business and do absolutely nothing!   The big question is "Why?"  Why did they sign up with the company?  Why do they not begin their training?  Why do they not work their business?  After several years in the industry, I have not been able to find the answer.

I've read that 98% of those who join an MLM fail.  In my opinion, the vast majority of those who fail have done nothing to grow their business.  When they fail, they often blame the company rather than themselves.
There are a few very basic things we must each do if we want to have success in this industry.
  • Stay in close contact with your enroller.
  • Dial in to company (or team) training calls, about 2-3 a week.  Do not stop listening after you've done your "basic training."  To grow your business, you must grow yourself as well.  Continue learning if you want to build your company.
  • Promote your business.  There are so very many ways to do this today, both online and offline.  I won't get in to each of them now (save it for an entire posting), but if you don't know how to promote your business, ask your enroller or someone else who is successful in your company.
 To be successful in network marketing, keep moving, and do not stop!

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